Certain chemical elements known as metallic are of great importance in living organisms: Plants, animals, fungi and bacteria. Despite it seems impossible that life and metal get along, many metals are essential for life.
It happens that metals are not found as such when they constitute part of the metabolism of a living being, they are in the form of cations dissolved in body fluids or bound to plasma or structural proteins. ¿What are metals and why are they important for our body?
The importance of metals for our body
Metals or minerals they are not only found in the periodic table that we study at school, are also found within us and have very important functions for our body to function properly.
They are present in the bone system, in the creation of blood, inside the cells, they control the heartbeat, are able to regulate glucose and fight free radicals, those that are responsible for aging and other serious diseases.
What are the elements heremonkeys mare they most important for the proper functioning of our body?
For our body to function properly we need multiple substances that must be present in it. Substances are divided into macronutrients, as they are fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and the micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals.
We know some basic data regarding food, we know that if we eat butter we are introducing fat into our body, if we eat a meat steak, we are providing proteins, however, on many occasions, we do not know what metals or vitamins we are eating and which are essential for our health.
There are 30 chemical elements that are considered essential for life. Of these 30 elements, 17 are metals, 4 are semi metals and the rest are non-metals.
The 17 metals considered essential for life are the following.
- Sodium (Na)
- Potassium (K)
- Magnesium (Mg)
- Calcium (Ca)
- Mn (Mn)
- Iron (Fe)
- Zinc (Zn)
- Cadmium (Cd)
- Chromium (Cr)
- Copper (Cu)
- Nickel (Ni)
- Strontium (Sr)
- Barium (Ba)
- Vanadium (V)
- Molybdenum (Mo)
- Cobalt (Co)
- Tin (Sn)
Not all are equally importantThen we tell you what are really necessary to have a healthy body.
It is a mineral that is 99% as a phosphate that is located in bone tissue. It is also found in the extracellular fluid and in the cells themselves. To achieve this, we will have to consume products such as milk and all dairy products.
It is distributed 75% in hemoglobin, 5% myoglobin and 25% is located in the liver. The rest is part of the enzymes. Only 10% of the iron we consume through food is metabolized and absorbed. If we have an iron deficiency we will suffer from anemia, to avoid it, we will have to eat red meat, certain vegetables, legumes, and fruits.
It is the second mineral that we have the most in the body. It is involved in the metabolization of calcium. We find it in fish, liver or oats.
We find it in bones and intracellular fluids. To increase their levels we will take more fish, fruits, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, etc.
It is essential for the thyroid gland to function properly. We find it in fish or seaweed.
A super antioxidant, perfect for preventing premature aging of cells. We find it in legumes, fruits, red meat, or fish.
Sodium and potassium
These two are interrelated, potassium is inside the cell and sodium remains outside so that a vital exchange takes place between them for proper functioning.
A natural antioxidant that works in conjunction with vitamin E.
Indispensable for the good creation of hemoglobin and red blood cells.
Thanks to all these elements, our body and organism remains in balance even if we don't even realize it. These are some of the most important.
If we say that we have metals in our body we think that it is contaminated and that it may be in danger. However, as we have seen some of them are beneficial for us while others are not so.
We have several doubts about how these metals have been introduced into the body, how they can be eliminated, if they are harmful, etc. Next we will solve the doubts so that in the long run no one suffers from any health problems due to heavy metals.
metals heavy
Heavy metals They are chemical elements that to a greater or lesser extent are part of the structure of everything that surrounds us. From the crust of the earth to our body. We find copper, iron, cobalt, zinc, aluminum, manganese, lead, arsenic, etc.
The problem arises when a large amount of these metals are deposited in our body and cause us to be poisoned.
Problems that can cause us
Heavy metals are difficult to eliminate, for this reason it is advisable to be very careful with them since an abuse of them could cause the following diseases:
- Cancer
- Kidney disease
- Developmental delays
- Autism
- Liver disease
- Autoimmune diseases
- Alzheimer
- Eating disorders
- Abnormalities during pregnancy
- Joys
This is how they enter our body
These metals are found around us and on many occasions get into our body without us perceiving them. The most common ways are as follows:
- Vaccines
- Pharmaceutical products
- Hygiene and cosmetic products
- Mercury thermometers
- Large blue fish, such as swordfish, salmon, or tuna
- Tobacco
- Gasoline combustion
- Pesticides
Foods so that metals disappear in the body
There are different measures for metals to disappear naturally, many foods are essential to drag these metals and they are expelled naturally from our body. Some of the best foods to take into account are:
- Cilantro: This herb is traditionally used as a condiment in much of Latin American cuisine. One of its properties is to be a chelator, it contains many vitamins A and K that help to intervene and fight against metals.
- Garlic: garlic is one of the natural antibiotics It is recommended to treat multiple diseases, it is also sporty and drags all kinds of toxins out of our body.
- Chlorella seaweed: has a powerful detoxifier that eliminates all the toxins that it finds in its path. It is the essential food to treat if a lot of heavy metals are found in a test.
If we have been diagnosed that we have some metal to a greater extent, we will add supplements to these foods to take daily for at least three months.
During debugging, it is possible that side effects such as pain, acne or diarrhea. It will be necessary to take it into account since despite being unwell, treatment should not be interrupted.
It is recommended that a family doctor monitor the treatment and all the measures taken to eliminate excess metals in the body.
What are the effects of excess metals in the body?
That good information helped me a lot. Thank you
thanks for the help
Excellent information
thanks for the imformacion
Excess metals cause cancer, developmental delays, kidney damage, even death
good page ... it helped me a lot, thank you
They are also the cause of schizophrenia, causing the pituitary to secrete a substance that makes people hear and see things that we, the common denominator, cannot survive as they say, it brings cancer of all types, metals vibrate at a frequency that is universal or cosmic if I can say so. Blessings