Water kefir

Kefir nodules

Kefir is a very healthy food but at the same time it is difficult to acquire to perform either water kefir or milk, the two types of kefir that exist.

Kefir has probiotic properties Very interesting for the organism, it requires an artisan elaboration and to follow some guidelines to make water kefir. 

Water kefir, like milk kefir, have the same microflora. In this case, water kefir is easier to make since you don't need raw milk to make it.

Water kefir

If you regularly suffer from gastrointestinal health problems, you can make water kefir to take care of your health and stay strong, in addition, preparing water kefir at home is simple, you just need to get the probiotics to be able to enjoy this fermented water.

To make water kefir, you need the grains of kefir, to make the water-based drink. These grains are packed with probiotics, high quality bacterial microorganisms that coexist in the same environment. These bacteria can help us stay healthy and with stronger defenses.

These probiotics, are good bacteria found in the digestive systemThey are essential for digestion and for nutrients to penetrate our bloodstream, in addition to protecting us against diseases.

The immune system is protected and gains more strength, if we feel weak, have poor digestion, nausea or problems when going to the service, take note and learn to perform Water kefira to keep you healthier and smoother. In addition, to maintain a balanced diet and doing regular exercise.


How to make water kefir

The preparation of this drink is simple, fast and it gives very good results. It only needs a time of rest and fermentation of around 48 hours. 

Materials to prepare it

  • A glass jug of 1 liter. 
  • A wooden or plastic scoop to stir.
  • A clean cloth, towel, or coffee filters to cover the carafe.
  • A rubber band to join the filters with the water jug.
  • A plastic strainer to remove grain debris from the water.
  • Thermometer.

Ingredients needed

  • Grains of Hydrated kefir. 
  • Half a cup of brown sugar.
  • Water.

Preparation, step by step

First place the sugar in the glass jar. Add half a cup of hot water and stir until the sugar has completely dissolved. Then add 3 cups of room temperature water, ideally between 20 and 29 degrees.

Add the hydrated kefir grains and cover the pitcher with the indispensable and necessary coffee filters or with a towel. This step is important as fermentation produces gases and a porous fabric is needed for the gases to escape smoothly. Leave the pitcher in a safe place and let it sit for two days.

Once it is fermented, separate the grains of water kefir and add them to a new serving of sugar water. The drink will be ready to consume.

Properties of water kefir

This water-based drink has important properties that help us stay healthy. Next we tell you what are the benefits that this drink brings us, so that you decide one day to make it at home, you will notice that your body will be much healthier.

  • Maintains a digestive system healthy.
  • It makes us feel good.
  • Helps restore digestive flora. 
  • It is rich in nutrients such as football, vitamin B12, magnesium and folic acid. 
  • Increase our defenses.
  • Maintains a immune system strong and healthy.
  • Kefir fights bad bacteria in the gut.
  • It acts as an antibacterial.
  • Helps digestion lactose. Increase our tolerance to dairy products if we are intolerant.
  • Reduces attacks from asthma and allergic reactions.
  • Improves symptoms of irritated bowel syndrome. 
  • Fight the constipation occasional.
  • Improve the Digestive process.
  • Increase the bone health for its high content in football.
  • Reduces the activity of cells cancerous.
  • Prevents the appearance of Cancer.

Water kefir

The grain of the kefir They have been used for many years to keep the body and organism healthy. The activity of the probiotics they help us feel good. As you have seen, the preparation of this drink is very simple, we just have to get the kefir grains and let them ferment in the water.

You can prepare the drink as many times as you want, if you feel a little more lazy and with poor digestion during a season, you can choose to make this drink or consume products such as kefir yogurt or kefir milk that we can also find in supermarkets .

Do not hesitate and start consuming homemade kefir water today.

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