How to remove the bitter taste from cucumber?


One of the best methods to remove the taste bitter of the cucumber is the one that we are now going to present. You must peel the cucumber with a sharp knife and cut the skin to the end of the stem. It is convenient to stop when we are approximately 3 centimeters from the stem. To peel this vegetable, you have to do it until the end of the cucumber, since it is the part where the bitter taste is most intense.

Once the cucumber up to the parts where the bitter taste is concentrated, the knife is rinsed properly with cold water to remove all the remnants of the bitterness.

Once the cucumber has been peeled into several sections to remove the bitter taste, it should be cut in two. Afterwards, we recommend removing all the grains, because cucumbers when they are a certain age, usually present seeds that can affect the taste, offering a more bitter or even sour taste. Once the plant has been emptied and peeled, it should be cut into cubes or slices depending on taste.

In addition to peeling the cucumber By layering, insisting on the stem, one of the best ways to eliminate the bitter taste is by putting it in water. Once peeled, it is advisable to put it in fresh water for 2 hours so that the sugar absorb and camouflage that unpleasant taste.

With this technique, the cucumber takes a flavor delicious and juicy. It can then be cut as desired and seasoned as desired, for example using spices such as oregano and mint.

In addition to putting the cucumber in fresh water, it is also very effective to leave it in very cold water, or with some ice cubes for about 5 minutes. Another option to remove the taste bitter is to put it in milk with sugar for a few minutes, after having peeled it, the result is surprising.

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