You do exist a food that deserves the title of superfood that's the wheat germ. This small part of the whole wheat grain (it only occupies 3% of its size) houses a high concentration of nutrients.
And it is that their job is to feed the plant in its growth. Unfortunately, wheat germ is discarded when making white flour (which is the one that most consume). However, you can find this food in the healthy sections of some supermarkets and incorporate it into your diet in many ways.
How to consume wheat germ
Raw or roasted wheat germ
Wheat germ is a very versatile food. Its flavor is almond-shaped and slightly sweet, while its texture is crunchy. You can add a tablespoon (the maximum recommended dose is 2-4 tablespoons daily) to almost any meal you can think of:
- Yoghurt
- Juices
- Shakes
- Breakfast cereals
- Salads
- Stews
- Soups
- Sauces
- Homemade baked goods (breads, cakes ...). You can replace 1/2 cup of normal flour with wheat germ.
You can also mix it with breadcrumbs to increase the nutritional value of dishes such as breaded chicken.
Note: Once opened, keep in the refrigerator in a well-sealed container. Its richness in unsaturated fats cause it to spoil easily.
Wheat germ oil
In addition to your meals (where only one tablespoon is enough to meet your daily vitamin E needs), you can use wheat germ oil to improve the condition of your hair and skin. Adding a few drops to your shampoo or conditioner can help prevent hair loss and dandruff.
If you have irritated or inflamed skin, applying wheat germ oil can accelerate your healing thanks to beneficial nutrients such as vitamin E. Applied externally, it is also credited with the ability to relieve psoriasis, eczema, wrinkles, scars and other skin conditions .
Note: Since it is rich in certain fats, should be consumed in moderation. Its abuse can lead to hypotension, high cholesterol and stomach upset among other side effects.
Wheat germ supplements
Wheat germ can also be found in capsules. These plugins can help:
- Lose weight
- Get healthier digestions
- Improve the condition of the skin and hair
- Strengthen bones
- Increase fertility in women and men
Note: Consider consulting with your doctor before starting any supplements to agree on the dosages and duration of treatment.
Other ways to eat wheat germ
You can consume wheat germ through whole wheat products, including whole grain breads, baked goods, cereals and flours. If the label indicates that the product in question has been made with "100% whole wheat", it must contain all parts of the wheat grain, both the bran and the germ.
What are the benefits of wheat germ
Wheat germ is loaded with fiber, protein, and B vitamins (folate, thiamine, and vitamin B6). What's more, contains many of the essential minerals for the body (zinc, magnesium and manganese). It also provides vitamin E, a nutrient with antioxidant activity that tends to be scarce in the diet of most people, and which can prevent cancer or diabetes.
Strong heart and bones
Wheat germ can help keep the heart healthy and prevent neural tube defects in babies thanks to its folic acid content.
This food also oxygenates the blood, strengthens bones and slows the oxidation of cells. This is due to its contribution of iron, phosphorus and selenium.
The reduction of high blood pressure (promoted by its potassium content) is another advantage of consuming wheat germ.
Weight control
Two tablespoons of wheat germ provide 1.9 grams of fiber. It is worth taking into account the importance of fiber in the diet to better satisfy the appetite and thus control weight. However, be careful with its high calorie content (52 grams for every two tablespoons). Pay attention to the portions, as well as the calories of the rest of the foods in your diet to avoid weight gain.
Due to this contribution of fiber, wheat germ also helps regulate intestinal transit, stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce bad cholesterol levels.
Build muscle
Its protein intake (about 4 grams per two tablespoons) make it a ally to increase or maintain muscle mass. Also, the body uses proteins to make new cells and keep the immune system at full capacity.
Wheat germ side effects
Despite its many benefits, not recommended for people on a gluten-free diet. Likewise, it can cause overweight due to its richness in calories, which is why it is recommended to monitor the total daily calories when this food is included in the diet.