Are pipes fattening?

The pipes Perhaps they are one of the healthiest snacks we can have in the afternoon, although many believe that they make us fat and are full of fats that do not benefit us.

Further from reality, pipes are healthy and consumed with a certain mind can help us satisfy our appetite and control our weight. Tand we will tell more below. 

Sunflower seeds are widely consumed in Spain, Not only as a quick and easy snack, but many of the parties that are held there are linked to the consumption of pipes, they are a most coveted pastime. However, the streets may not appreciate them as much as the shells always end up on the ground.
Us below we will analyze the benefitsIf they make us fat, how many can we take if we diet and how to include them in our dishes to be able to savor them in every bite.

Sunflower seeds

Benefits of pipes

Like all foods that we find in nature, if we consume that food in excess it will make us fat. However, you can also benefit from all the properties and nutritional values ​​found in it, as is the case with sunflower seeds.

Pipes are seeds that give us a lot of calories and vitamins to the body, however, we do not have to see these calories as something harmful, but as something beneficial.

  • They contain gamma-linolenic, a type of fatty acid that helps us stay relaxed and calm.
  • On the other hand, they reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels in blood for its unsaturated fats.
  • They are rich in iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium y trace elements.
  • They act like antioxidants
  • Contains vitamin B9, an essential element for the nutrition of the little ones because it helps them in their growth stage. In addition, this vitamin, also known as folic acid, is very necessary in the early stages of a woman's pregnancy for the perfect development of the fetus.
  • The fatty acids present in sunflower seeds both monounsaturated as polyunsaturated they are beneficial for the health of our heart.
  • They are recommended to consume after having done physical exercise for all the minerals that it gives us, you will feel comforted.
  • In addition, vitamin E, will be responsible for your physical performance is greater and you can meet your daily goals, whether in the gym series, walking or cycling to work.
  • It will considerably increase your energy.

Are pipes fattening?

If we consume them in a moderate way and accompanied by a healthy and balanced diet, there is no reason to fear them, since they are a very beneficial food as we have seen previously.

Pipes are one of the most complete nuts that we can find, we highlight their vitamin E and vitamin B9, and to be more exact, 25 grams of sunflower seeds only have 150 kcal. 

These seeds They can be found in multiple forms, with flavored skin, with large amounts of salt, fried, peeled and toasted or peeled and fried, and we even get a sweet variety. The ideal is to consume them natural form, toasted without salt and having to 'peel' them, since if we buy them already peeled the temptation to eat them is greater and we can consume large quantities of pipes without realizing it.

Sunflower seeds

Learn to eat them so that they are beneficial and not fattening

Like everything in life, we have to understand and be aware of what food can bring us, in this case, pipes can be easily introduced into our day to day.

Here are the possibilities you may have in mind the next time you enter the kitchen.

  • Add them to salads
  • Perform pan of pipes.
  • Como 'topping' in sauces or creams.
  • Take them alone, toasted and unsalted.
  • Perform vegetable milk of pipes at home.
  • Grind them and add them as a thickener or spice to any dish.

You don't have to go overboard with the amount, so we recommend no more than 25 grams. It is true that it is a food that creates a certain addiction and it will depend on the moment in which we are consuming them.

Ideally, take them in the afternoon or mid-morning. As a healthy snack, it keeps us entertained and tastes delicious. If you choose the variety of taking them salty, the caloric value is the same, however, it will increase tension and blood pressure causing in people with hypertension some other complication.

The ideal is to consume them when the body asks us to.If you want to change and consume a healthy dried fruit and you want variety, do not despise the pipes and do not fear to gain weight, since having a little control you can also satisfy your appetite and you will not have the need to consume other foods.

Look for the variety that you like the most, although try to consume the pipes that are from sustainable crops and that have been treated with the least possible pesticides.

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