8 hour diet


There are many diets, including the one known as the 8-hour diet. A diet created by David Zinckzenko that ensures that you can lose up to 15 kilos in a month without effort, without harming the body.

In the first week it is promised lose weight 4 kilos without having to deprive yourself of anything or change your eating habits. It even allows you to have dessert and glasses of wine, although always with your head and without excesses. 

It is a slightly different diet than the others, since all the food is concentrated in a range of 8 hours. It is easy and simple to follow as long as we adapt to that lifestyle. The secret it hides is to consume food in any quantity for only 8 hour consecutive.

The ideal is to start breakfast at 9 in the morning and finish the last meal at 5 in the afternoon. The rest of the time, the remaining 16 hours are those that the body performs a moderate fast that processes all the food consumed.

How The 8 Hour Diet Works

When starting the diet, a routine of fasting about 3 days a week. It is promised to lose up to 4 kilos in the first week. A fact that attracts a lot of attention and that hooks many people who want to lose weight.

During the time the days of fasting are increased until the body gets used to that new hourly habit. A weight loss is guaranteed and without having a yo-yo effect once it is finished. His maxim is separate the first meal, breakfast from dinner. This allows the body to burn calories and draw on fat stores for energy for the remaining 16 hours.

The best thing about the diet is that fits everyone, you can decide which eight hours are the best for you according to your lifestyle, work, family situation or free time. During the 16 hours of fasting it is allowed to drink water, infusions or coffee. Free of refined sugars, of course. You cannot drink alcoholic beverages or sugary soft drinks.

The promoter of the diet, Zinckcenko assures that if the diet is followed correctly, he does not go hungry at all after 5 or 6 in the afternoon, since the body takes the nutrients from the body, accelerating the metabolism.

The diet does not restrict food but it does recommend a list to help you lose weight earlier. You can make your own menu by eating foods low in fat and high in protein and fiber.

  • Proteins: Eggs and lean meats
  • Dairy products: Low in fat and added sugars. Skimmed milk, skimmed yogurt, or low-fat fresh cheese.
  • Seeds: Nuts and whole grains. As are walnuts, pistachio, almonds, etc.
  • Fruits, vegetables, and all vegetables: They should be added to the daily menu.

Diet benefits

  • The cravings if done correctly.
  • The creator ensures that it prevents Heart problems and diabetes problems. Since several studies assure that these diseases can be triggered if a lot of food is consumed during the night hours.
  • Promote a healthy lifestyle.
  • Take the fast as a premise and as a good habit for the body to function properly.
  • It can be resumed if you stop doing it for a couple of days.

It is recommended to start each day with a big glass of water and walk for at least 10 minutes, run or do some exercise every morning to activate the body. During the day you should drink as much water as possible.

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